What is Web Design and Development

Web Design and Development is a simple word that describes the process of creating a Website. But there are some major different skills which are suggested by the name of Web Design and Development. Web Design describes the Look and Feel of a Website which can be seen by a user. Web Development determines how it Functions.

>>> What the user sees takes place in a Browser and involves Design and Front End Development. Design defines a Website’s Colors, Layout, Fonts, Images, Videos and such things. All the stuff that goes into a Website’s Branding and Usability. This requires tools and Software like Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, CorelDraw and Sketch.

>>> Using Coding Languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript to implement that Design is called Front End Development. These Languages make it possible for users to interact with Buttons, Images, Text, Forms, Lists, Navigation Menus and such things. They’re integral to Responsive and Adaptive Design. Many young Designers often misunderstand the concept of Web Design.

>>> Web Design is about Design, not about Coding and Front End Development. Of course, it would be great if you know some Coding Languages like as HTML, CSS and Javascript. But you can’t get yourself deep into Front End Development, that’s not the core of Web Design. Front End (or Client Side) is the side of a Website or Software that you see and interact with as an internet user. When website information is transferred from a Server to a Browser, Front End Coding Languages allow the website to function without having to continually Communicate with the internet.

>>> Front End Web Development, also known as Client Side Development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a Website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly.

>>> Front End code allows users like you and me to interact with a Website and Play Videos, expand or Minimize Images, Highlight Text, and much more. Web Developers who work on Front End coding work on Client Side Development. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are at the Heart of Front End Web Development. The Three Languages are relatively Easy to Learn and offer Plenty of Flexibility and Creativity. If you want to become a Front End Developer, you need to learn these three Languages and JavaScript Frameworks.

>>> Web Development is the Building and Maintenance of Websites. It’s the work that happens behind the scenes to make a Website Look Great, Work Fast and Perform Well with a seamless user Experience.

>>> Back End (or Server Side) is the side that you don't see when you use the internet. It's the Digital Infrastructure, and to non Developers, it looks like a bunch of Numbers, Letters, and Symbols. Back End Developers Build and Maintain the Technology that Powers those components which, together, enable the user facing side of the Website to even exist in the first place.

>>> There are more Back End Coding Languages than Front End Languages like HTML, CSS and Javascript. That's because Browsers at the Front End only understand JavaScript, but a server Back End can be configured to at the understand pretty much any language. As some examples to those Back End Languages, we can show the below Programming Languages which are mostly use in Back End Web Development such as PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, Rust.

>>> A Website needs a Back End to Store and Organize all the Data that comes through the Front End. So if a user buys something or fills out a form, they’re entering information into an application on the front end of the Website. And that information is stored in a Database that lives on a Server.

>>> A Website works the way you want it to because the Front and Back Ends of a Website are always Communicating. A Back End Developer is like the Conductor. They make sure Applications, Databases, and Servers work together harmoniously using Languages like Ruby, PHP, .Net, and Python along with Frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Code Igniter.

>>> Web Designers are constantly Solving Problems for their users. Websites should make it easy for users to go where they want to go and do what they want to do. A frustrated user is less likely to stick around, let alone come back to a Website.

>>> That’s why each Web Design element is in service of making the Website as easy to use as possible. So people visit and interact with the Website over and over again.

Let's discuss furthermore about some Elements of Web Design in detail.

1) Layout: The Layout is the Arrangement of a Website’s Header, Footer, Navigation Menu, Content, and Graphics. The Layout depends on the Website’s purpose and how a Web Designer wants the user to interact with the Website. For example, a Photography Website would prioritize big beautiful images, while an Editorial Website would prioritize text and letter spacing.

2) Visual Hierarchy: A user should be able to access the information they need by glancing at a Website. This is where Visual Hierarchy comes in. Visual Hierarchy is the process of determining which aesthetic aspects of the Website should stand out using Size, Color, Spacing, and more. The Headings in this article are a basic example of Visual Hierarchy. They quickly let you, the reader, know what this article is about.

3) Color: Color gives a Website Personality, makes it stand out, and shows the user how to take action. The Color Palette might be determined by a brand’s existing identity or by the content of a Website. A Consistent Color Palette helps give order to a Website.

4) Navigation: Navigation helps a user get from point A to point B using Navigational tools like Site Architecture, Menus, and Search bars. Simple, Effective Navigation helps users find the information they’re looking for Quickly and Easily.

5) Graphics: Graphics are the Logos, Icons, Images, Videos and such things that live on a website. They should complement the color palette, layout, and content. Even Though Graphics can make a Website more Beautiful placing too much of them aren't much good to it's Website's Search Result.

6) Speed: A user’s First Impression relies on how long it takes for a Website to Load. If it takes too long, chances are the user won’t stick around. This really helpful to Search Engine Optimization and if your Website use more time to Load than the others, it wouldn't be easy to keep your site in a Higher Rank of the Search Result.

7) Animations: Animations are very helpful to Designers to make their Website alive. Animations can get the Attraction of users without any doubt. But placing unwanted Animations in unwanted Places can be cause to get away the users from that Website.

8) Accessibility: Who can or cannot use a Website is dependent on a Website’s Accessibility. Making Accessibility a priority ensures that all users are able to access and use a Website and its Functions equally. Mobile Friendly and User Friendly Websites are easy to handle than the others and if your Website is Responsive, it can work perfectly on all the devices without any effort.

>>> So now I think that you may have a good knowledge about the Difference between Web Designing and Development. If you found any important things in here, don't forget to share this with your friends.

Thank You for Reading!
To this,
Vishal Kavinda
(The Owner and Founder of Technoland World)

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